Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Week 4 Wikis

after a long absence because I couldn't get my head around wikis I have reentered the fray by editing Wikipedia! The advice to look at the entry for my local suburb was very timely. After the recent state by-elections we had a change of local member, but no-one had updated the Wikipedia entry to reflect this change. See,_New_South_Wales

I can think of other stuff to add to this page and may do so now, if and when I have time.

Have also recently gained another example of a wiki in action through the recent Australian Innovative Users' Group meeting when the wiki is being proposed as a way of sharing information between user sites on developing the system.

I found it difficult to gain a real appreciation of what wikis were useful for, when you can only look at examples, but not participate. It's always better to learn by doing.

1 comment:

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

Great to see you are back with the course!

Ellen (PLS)